Weathertight Wrap / Underlay System
Superior building paper & underlay innovations

It’s so weathertight you can complete the interior of the build without any exterior cladding!

Superior Protection

Benefits & Features

Frame Protection System, FPS® Weathertight® system is a comprehensive roof and wall underlay system for timber and steel frame, panel and prefab building elements, providing both interim and permanent weather protection plus moisture control within the wall or roof structure.


All FPS® Weathertight® membranes are classified as W1 waterproof, with water column tests of between 1500mm and 5500mm (far in excess of the building code requirement of 20mm). FPS® Weathertight® membranes will not leak or wick moisture and have all passed the 24 hour water streaming test.

Moisture Control

FPS® Weathertight® membranes are permeable, allowing moisture vapour out of the construction during the build phase and for the life of the building. All our building membranes are considered vapour open, allowing faster drying, speeding up the build time.


The FPS® Weathertight® System is able to be used in all New Zealand wind zones, on roofs and walls (BRE Test Report 301-688 issue 2, 29th February 2015). The wind pressures on the roof are far greater than that on the walls, please see the table to choose the appropriate product.

Air Tightness

FPS Weathertight is airtight and will not allow airborne moisture to enter the construction, maintaining durability and insulation performance.

UV Exposure

FPS® Weathertight® membranes are tested and certified for UV exposure for up to 90 days.

Fire Retardant

FPS® Weathertight® wall and roof membranes have an AS1530 – part 2 flammability index of not greater than 5 and therefore meet the requirements of NZBC Acceptable Solutions.

The FPS® consists of components thoroughly tested, proven and certified for all New Zealand conditions.


Comprehensively warranted and supported.

Codemark Certified

Ensuring Building Code compliance and performance.


Available through all Building Supply Merchants


Robust but easy to handle and install.

Cost Effective

Saves times and provides early closure on your build.

Superior Protection

Product Range

FPS Membranes / Underlays

All FPS(R) Membranes are codemark certified as being watertight, airtight and vapour open.
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Reinforced tape, with a split backing for easy application and an amazingly strong adhesive. It will easily stick to steel, aluminium, PVC, plasterboard, wood, brick, plaster, concrete and our Eurotop underlays.
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Frame Protection seals are simple to install, highly adhesive and completely airtight and meant for round or rectangular pipes, cables or conduits when passing through underlay barriers.
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New Zealand Owned & Operated

Why Choose FPS Weathertight?

Builders & Installers

Architects & Specifiers

Builders & Installers


“Great product. Saved us a huge amount of time on the project.

Would highly recommend to everyone, 100% waterproof and very cost effective. Saved 5 weeks of our build time.”

Shahin Faizal
Reef View Constructions

“FPS Weathertight system is an easy process to install as a wrap. The tapes for windows and door openings are easy to use and the tape sticks very well, even on a slight wet product. I have been in the trade for more than 30 years, but I have never seen a better wrap product than this.”


“We have been using the FPS system for the past 8 months and seen a remarkable difference in keeping the house dry through the building process. We were able to keep the build moving on the interior with the build wrap.”

Dan Williams

Download your Weathertight-dev Info Pack

What's included?

Download your Weathertight-dev Info Pack

What's included?

Get your Attic Ladders Info Pack

What's included?

  • All five models available, including passive house and fire resistant options.
  • Features of each model
  • Thermal rates of each model
  • Detailed dimensions and specifications

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Get your Roof Windows Info Pack

What's included?

  • Roof window design options
  • Product certifications and accreditations
  • Energy efficiency ratings
  • Dimensions and specifications

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Get your Weathertight Wrap System Info Pack

What's included?

  • For Builders: Install Manual & Taping Manual
  • For Architects: Codemark & Technical Manual
  • Merchants & Homeowners: 6 Page Info PDF

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